  1. Aygun A., Karakus A. (2024). Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Weakly Compressible Flows Using Galerkin-Boltzmann Formulation. Physics of Fluids 36 (11), 117125. (Publisher) (arXiv)
  2. Aygun A., Maulik R., Karakus A. (2023). Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Mesh Deformation Problems with Exact Boundary Enforcement. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 125, 106660. (Publisher), (arXiv)
  3. Aygun A., Karakus A. (2022). Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Two Dimensional Incompressible Thermal Convection Problems. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 42(2), 221-232.(Publisher), (arXiv)
Conference Proceedings
  1. Tasdelen A.S., Aygun A. and Karakus A., 2023, Remin: A Physics-Informed Neural Network framework and its Application to Thermal Convection Problems. 24th Congress on Thermal Science and Technology, Ankara, Turkey.
  2. Aygun A. and Karakus A., 2023, Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Mesh Deformation Problems with Exact Boundary Enforcement. SIAM CSE23, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  3. Aygun A. and Karakus A, 2022, Physics-Informed Neural Networks to Solve 1D Euler Equations, National Conference of Aerospace, Izmir, Turkey (Virtual).
  1. 2023 MSc Thesis: Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Plain Academic